Ikea Bookshelves (2)
Plywood (Custom cut at Home Depot) (1 piece)
Wood Patterned Contact Paper (1 roll)
Wallpaper or contact paper (2 rolls)
Squeegee (1)
Hammer (1)
Nails (12-16)

Ikea Bookshelves (2)
Plywood (Custom cut at Home Depot) (1 piece)
Wood Patterned Contact Paper (1 roll)
Wallpaper or contact paper (2 rolls)
Squeegee (1)
Hammer (1)
Nails (12-16)
Purchase 2 KALLAX Ikea Bookshelves
Assemble the bookshelves but do not add the middle shelves, so that it's just the frame. I did not attach these bookshelves together as I wanted to be able to separate them for easier storage.
Measure the back of the frame and go to Home Depot to get a piece of plywood custom cut to the size you need.
Use a hammer and nails to nail the backing to one of the Ikea shelves.
Using a squeegee, use contact paper or wallpaper to wallpaper the insides of the dollhouse. I used a squeegee from the dollar store and used vintage wallpaper from the late 80s that I thrifted at my favorite thriftsore: EcoThrift in Hayward, CA.
Use an exacto knife to trim any edges of the wallpaper.
Use wood patterned contact paper and a squeegee to cover the flooring of the dollhouse. Use the exacto knife to trim away any edges.
For props, I added tiny table, tea set, a doll, and bed frame that I thrifted and had since childhood.
That's the end of part 1! Stay tuned for part 2 where we add a window, curtains, and chandelier!!